Welcome to Ms. Wright's studio where Kindergarten through third grade students attend art class once per week for 40 minutes. We explore different cultures, learn about various artists through history, and experiment and create with many different forms of art media.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Kindergarten Line Painting

Jacob S., Mrs. Whynot's class 

In art class the Kindergarten students having been learning about lines for weeks!  We listened to a funny story called "The Line and the Dot" and then used black paint to create as many different types of lines as we could.  We mostly focus on straight, curve, angled and dotted.  The next week we used colors to paint in between the lines.  They loved using the bright colors and it was a great way to practice our painting skills.  

Sadie, Mrs. Whynot's class  

Tyrie, Mrs. O'Coin's class