Welcome to Ms. Wright's studio where Kindergarten through third grade students attend art class once per week for 40 minutes. We explore different cultures, learn about various artists through history, and experiment and create with many different forms of art media.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

2nd Grade Collages inspired by Dahlov Ipcar

A collage is a work of art made up of flat materials that are glued together.     

The students looked at the book author and illustrator, Dahlov Ipcar (1917-).  She is a Maine artist who enjoys painting exotic animals and using vivid colors in her work.   

We worked on:
            -overlapping shapes

                                                            Dylan, Mrs. Peavey's class

                                                              Ben, Mrs. Rich's class

Isabella, Mrs. Hawthorne's class

Monday, March 25, 2013

Kindergarten Polar Bear in the style of Eric Carle

In art class we looked at books written and illustrated by Eric Carle.  Each student painted sheets of paper in his style to create the background and the polar bear fur.  Then they studied the shape of the polar bears body, and but one piece at a time to make a collage.

They learned about:
Eric Carle, collage, tints and shapes.  They also worked on classroom safety with scissors, and cutting practice. 

Autumn, Mrs. Douglass' class

Sophia, Mrs. Douglass' class

Welcome to Ms. Wright's new blog!

Hello Windham Primary School community! I'm am excited to finally launch this blog to showcase my young student's art and to make announcements.  This blog will replace by paper newsletters that I send out every trimester.  It's better for the environment and better visually, as you'll be able to view examples of the projects that I describe that the students are working on.  There are some links above that you can check out to find out more information on museums and local art classes and local event.  You can subscribe to this blog as well on the right side of the screen and scroll down.

Thank you for checking this site out and please visit often.  -Becky Wright, art teacher