Welcome to Ms. Wright's studio where Kindergarten through third grade students attend art class once per week for 40 minutes. We explore different cultures, learn about various artists through history, and experiment and create with many different forms of art media.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Kindergarten Line Painting

Jacob S., Mrs. Whynot's class 

In art class the Kindergarten students having been learning about lines for weeks!  We listened to a funny story called "The Line and the Dot" and then used black paint to create as many different types of lines as we could.  We mostly focus on straight, curve, angled and dotted.  The next week we used colors to paint in between the lines.  They loved using the bright colors and it was a great way to practice our painting skills.  

Sadie, Mrs. Whynot's class  

Tyrie, Mrs. O'Coin's class

Friday, November 15, 2013

Specialist Open Houses

Art makes you smart!!
Come meet your child's art, music, or physical education teachers! We will have our classrooms open for you to drop in and check out the other spaces in the building where your child learns.  

Tuesday, November 19  3:30-6:00pm
Wednesday, November 20  1:15-4:00pm

Did you know...Students who study art are 4 times more likely to be recognized for academic achievement and 3 times more likely to be awarded for school attendance.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

3rd Grade Food Still-Life

Each student drew a still-life, an arrangement of objects that doesn’t move.  They could choose which still life arrangement that they wanted to draw.  Each one has fruit and/or vegetables.   They had to draw large and fill the space and show that one object was in front of the other to show depth.  Then they used watercolors to color them.  Shadows were added to show value.

Elements of Art:

       -line, shape, space, color, value


2nd Grade Sumi-E Landscapes

Sumi-E means "black ink picture" in Japanese.  Second grade students learned about traditional Asian ink paintings, and how nature was a common subject matter.  We discussed the characteristics of a landscape, and also viewed black and white photography by Ansel Adams.  Students learned about how light, dark, and medium values can be used to create the illusion of space in a two-dimensional image.  We spent one lesson drawing landscapes in our sketchbooks, and practicing using the sumi ink to create values.  In a separate lesson, students learned how to use salt and the technique of "wet-on-wet" to create different textures in their sumi-e landscape.
Concepts:  landscape, value, space, texture
Skills: drawing, painting

 Mrs. Whidden's class

Deserae, Mrs. Whidden's class


1st Grade Starry Nights

After creating Vincent van Gogh inspired "sunflowers" in September, first grade students continued a study of the famous artist by painting their own versions of "Starry Night".  Students viewed a reproduction of this well known painting, analyzed the work, and discussed their observations.  Using oil pastels, first graders drew the essential shapes: moon, stars, dashed lines, hills, houses, and a "spooky" cypress tree.  Students created paintings using a resist technique, layering water based tempera paint over the oil pastel drawings.  
Concepts: line, shape, rhythm, color, resist
Skills:  drawing, painting

 Vincent van Gogh's "Starry Night"

 Nathan S., Mrs. Carbone's class

 Deanna, Mrs. Carbone's class

Molly, Mrs. Carbone's class

The start of the year with Kindergarten!

The Kindergarten year in art class is a very fun and important time.  A lot of artistic growth is seen in this age group during the first year of school.  Most of the students have drawn, painted or used play dough at home, daycare or at pre-school.  They have made marks and have begun to tell stories with their images.

Throughout the fall, the students have been learning about one of the most important elements of art:  line.  Our first few projects involved drawing and cutting straight, angled and curvy lines.  They learned that lines can become outlines of shapes.  Our first project was to make a line collage out of colored construction paper. 

Skills learned: Drawing and holding a pencil correctly, using scissors safely, using glue, cutting and arranging paper to make a collage.